The original animation “LAIDBACKERS” produced by Studio Group 5 was released last month. This time, Hashimoto Yuki, who is in charge of the supervision, and Shang Jiangzhou, who is in charge of the script, will talk about some behind-the-scenes production stories

On the end of the work of “The Voice of Cang Lan Steel” and “Yucheng Younai is the Brave”, he entered the fatigue period of the serious type of story. At this time, the South P of FlyingDog found Shangjiangzhou, indicating that next time The Ministry of Cheerful works, and at the same time has won the agenda of the five groups of Studio, the “LAIDBACKERS” plan was established. Since it is a work to be happy, Shangjiang Zhou is thinking about whether or not to make a daily comedy like “Little Trouble and Thousands of Worship”. So I started from this direction, and I first arranged the original case and invited the supervisor of Hashimoto Yuki to participate. This is because I am not good at “beautiful girl”, so I would like to ask professionals. The original intention of Hashimoto to participate in this project is actually to work hard. When he was in charge of the supervision of the Magical Girl Breeding Project, Nan P asked if Hashimoto had the intention to work. After being taken to the scene, he was asked to take up the post of supervision. He found that it was not the level of working.

Shangjiangzhou and Hashimoto have had many cooperation experiences before, and the relationship has always been very good. This time, because it was an original plan, it was relatively freer. So when Shang Jiangzhou proposed to supervise the Hashimoto, who was good at machinery and beautiful girls, he immediately agreed. Looking back on the past, the first collaboration between the two was the work of Devil Survivor 2, supervised by Kishi Seiji. Hashimoto mentioned that the name of Shangjiang Zhou has always been known before. When I participated in the Story of Chuanqi” as the original painting, I first realized the name. I always felt that the name “Shangjiang Zhoucheng” was literally majestic, so I would always think that I am also a very majestic person. Then came the production scene of “Devil Survivor 2” where the two people participated together. At that time, Hashimoto participated as a performance of each word, and also painted a mirror. In general, the splitter is written after the script is completed, but “Devil Survivor 2” did not have that time at the same time, and Hashimoto himself belonged to the type that wanted to participate in script creation, so he also attended the script. Meeting. As long as you participate in the script meeting, you can roughly grasp the content of the script, which also improves the efficiency of the drawing mirror in disguise. Therefore, the supervision of Kishi Seiji has always been this practice, and because of this common experience, the relationship between the two has been well

This book left a wonderful balance of animation and exquisite depiction and simple description after the release. Shang Jiangzhou said that the arrangement on the script was not designed to be as special as the usual animation. For example, even if the battle begins, will you join the “people around you?” “Everyone has run away, so it doesn’t matter if they fight.” This kind of dialogue is to make people have the real sense of this general situation. Hashimoto said that if it is a live-action version, no matter how it is shot, it will definitely leave a realistic impression of the real person. The characteristics of the animation are full of fantasy elements, and can also add real expression techniques to these fantasy elements. This is very good. So although I have added a lot of real performance, I have a nostalgic atmosphere when I watch it, but it has not become an old animation, because you are only one of the themes in the end, but for the sake of the theme, please Suzuki Jiro came to the role of the original case, it can be said that Suzuki Jiro is the super focus of this plan!

The stage of the work is set in Kyoto, but I hope that Jiro will design a costume that is not likely to appear in Kyoto. This shows that this can only exist in animation. From the results, Jiro’s design is more realistic than Hashimoto’s original requirements, but this is indeed a good deviation, because the balance of the designed clothing is very good, even if it is wearing real The role of the clothes, Jiro teacher will also be cleverly handled in other parts, such as the highlights of the hair is drawn with dots, this treatment is quite rare. And the design of Alneria was just like a teacher who expressed two characteristics: “Indoor Dog” and “Pomeranian”. As a result, the original design submitted by the teacher completely deviated from the characteristics of the dog and became a sponge-like creature.Hashimoto said that Jiro’s teacher clearly painted a design with a complete skeleton. As a result, no matter how you look at it, you can’t imagine what the skeleton of the dog is, but because Jiro’s teacher will be like this. The design made him very appreciative. Shang Jiangzhou also joked that even if they hate them, I hope everyone can see the painting of Teacher Lang next time!

Unlike the popular world-old reincarnation series, this is a different world to the modern “reversal of life”, this is the idea that Shangjiang Zhou came up with a work of the same type as “Little Ghost Q Taro”, so There is no such thing as the anti-revolutionary theme that everyone thinks, and it is simply setting up the orthodox. Hashimoto said that basically the theme of reincarnation in different worlds, even if it is a very powerful ability after reincarnation, but also in the different worlds have to fight or shoulder some kind of mission. But in turn, if you come to the world from a different world, even if you don’t fight, you can live at a minimum, even if you don’t work hard, and let him realize how wonderful our world is

Shangjiang Zhou once considered the beauty of the real world as a comedy. He believes that although this treatment may look a little bad-hearted or black humor, he wants to express the world in the form of animation. It is so ideal and full of happiness. Because it is a country that is threatened by war and war, Japan can be said to be very peaceful. This kind of peace is a bit unbelievable. Shang Jiangzhou said that he likes to travel overseas, so he has a deep understanding of this feeling, so he hopes to use his works to describe the feeling of “living in a strange country” because these are reborn from war countries. For girls, the strange thing is indeed this country, which is actually one of the themes of this work. Shang Jiangzhou said that he was slightly touched when he considered these things during the screening. He had to rethink himself living in Japan and live peacefully. He even joked that he thought of writing in Yahoo’s film evaluation…

However, as a supervised Hashimoto did not think so complicated, the initial goal for him was to do his job well, but he could not make a rigid creation. Therefore, Hashimoto is aware of this and is not overly nervous in the process of hard work. For this reason, one of the themes that Hashimoto wants to express in this work is “not only hard work is happy” because this It is an animation that the whole department definitely does not work hard~.

  • “LAIDBACKERS -レイドバッカーズ-” Supervisor・桥本裕之×Script・ 上江洲诚対谈

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