In “FIFA 19”, the legendary SBC will be launched from time to time. Although all the legendary players are obtained, it is necessary to sacrifice a legendary player to complete the SBC. Here is a detailed explanation of the legendary players. I hope that everyone has Helped

1, Ballack.

Price: The price of sbc is now around 160W (PS), and the value of the package should be 55.25W

Positioning: As a graduation card for some people, the 160W or so non-tradable card is not too expensive, and the package is also calculated to be about 105W. Good shooting attributes and models as beliefs and non-local graduating cards are quite OK. It is

Time node: Christmas has just passed, the year is also in preparation, about 100W is not a small investment, the late sacrifice of this card at least 45W, the gold currency depreciation quickly, the big card is more expensive today, if Players who don’t plan to be Vieira and Gullit can do this sbc in advance and buy early to enjoy

Feel: The characters are hard to use, not suitable for the tape, the speed is average, and the shooting errors often occur during the actual use. MH mentality, the data is a partial attack midfield, but the actual use does not have the same scene like the kante flying, often appear up to go back, or watch the opponent players break through

Advantages: Power is good, the model is good, the door is stable (don’t worry), the head is good!

Disadvantages: As a lack of CDM, the attacking midfield is not active enough, the shot is weak, and the tape is hard

Summary: If you think it is a graduation card, you don’t have to do it

2, campbell.

Price: The price of sbc is now around 71W (PS), and the value of the package should be at 34.75W

Positioning: Non-graduation card, positioning is a fruit card of about 2 months, the package is calculated to be about 35W, the representative of the power-type defender, the model is large, and the ability to squat is extremely strong. Friends who don’t want to buy Van Dyck or Shui Ye Valane can consider doing it and paying for it later

Time node: Christmas has just passed, the year is also in preparation, 35W is a small case, the late sacrifice of this card is not lost, now the good guard of Pujin Shui Ye 27W, Varan 21, Van Dyke Pujin 15W, if the Premier League is set, it is basically necessary to do a Campbell self-defense, and later use it for sacrifice!

The suggestion is to lose the Pujin or 1 black card into a legend and not trade, and then sacrifice it to a proper legend, to avoid the price drop of the gold card and the 1 black card

Feel: Characters use like giant tanks, but the ball is weak and the speed is average. The hard-rigid type of the crater, as long as it is close, the person or the ball will definitely fall down one!

Advantages: Power is sufficient, the model is oversized (larger than Van Dyck), you can grab it with your body, your head is good, and the speed is not slow!

Disadvantages: The action is slightly slow, even if you don’t take the initiative to intercept, it is easy to foul! In the face of the small player’s flexibility is not easy to be completely passed

Summary: The transition or some people graduated from the card, the price is low, and the sacrifice can be matched with the Premier League set with the green line, definitely do

2, rui costa.

Feelings: Add a part of the explanation, as the flag of the former AC Milan, the Portuguese national team on the 10th, the feelings still have to add points!

Price: The price of sbc is now around 61W (PS), and the value of the package should be 36.75W

Positioning: Non-graduation card, positioning is a fun-filled sacrifice card, the package is also calculated to be about 24W, the actual use is not comparable to Tintin and other T1 gold cards, but the legend is very popular! Overall, the law is equal Sacrifice

Time Node: Just after Christmas, the year is also in preparation. 24W is equal to white delivery, and later is sacrifice. Now, the price of Puding Dingding and Dibala is relatively low, if you think about it. After you are addicted, you can do other legendary sbc, but you can’t graduate, but you can keep your value!

Feel: The characters are all in the middle of the game, but the shot is surprisingly weak, I suspect the data is fake!!! I am basically 10搓8 green, take him to the head and Ding an Eric Sen……… Anyway, it is a kind of sacrifice to preserve the value of the goods

Advantages: The running position is good, the speed is slightly faster, the power is enough to lick! Cheap

Disadvantages: Shooting slag, attacking the restricted area is always an airplane! There is nothing in the overall color

Summary: The sacrifice card, the price is low, if you want to do other legendary sbc or preserve value, do it later. Otherwise don’t do it, waste a position and wait for a long time

You can do Lu Yi and then do Ruhr!

4, keane.

Feelings: Add a part of the explanation, Manchester United Evil, iron captain… As an Arsenal fan, I hate to see him, one of the Premier League dirty ratios, before I was a little expecting his performance can exceed Kanter’s… ………

Price: The price of sbc is now around 64W (PS), and the value of the package should be 32.75W

Positioning: Non-graduation card, positioning is a fun to use the sacrifice card, the package is also calculated to be about 31W, the actual use is not comparable to Kanter’s gold card, and even less than the cdm Bogba ….

Time node: Christmas has just passed, the year is also in preparation, 31W is relatively expensive, after all, it is basically impossible to use for yourself, and later is the sacrifice. Don’t think about what to do with him in actual combat… It’s really a waste, it’s a fun card

Feel: If you don’t have speed, you don’t have to jump in height. You are scared to death, and the ball is weak. This is the impression that the dirty is more disgusting than the roy keane… Anyway, I think it is not as good as fut. The exchange of Le Marsh hits cdm

Advantages: Can sacrifice other legendary sbc.

Disadvantages: All are shortcomings, not found is not a disadvantage

Summary: Sacrifice card, in the price, you can do it with emotion, or don’t waste money. (A Pogba is worse than Kanter).


Feelings: Add a part of the explanation, the Brazilian gold left foot, the first generation of actors, the strange face, the man who grabbed the limelight with ronlado! Once the Brazilian No. 10. The man who took Da Luo as a younger brother

Price: The price of sbc is now around 86.5W (PS), and the value of the package should be 31.75W

Positioning: Non-graduation card, positioning is a transitional type of sacrifice card, the package is also calculated to be about 55W, the actual use is not comparable to the previous Sturridge flashback, the gold card is not comparable to Neymar.

Time Node: Just after Christmas, the year is also in preparation. About 55W is more expensive, although it can be used by itself, but it is still used for sacrifice in the later stage. If the price of the current gold card or 1 black card, Azal, Neymar and other lw are better than him, and do not preserve the value (because the cost is expensive), the practicality is general

Feel: Very good, the overall operation is very similar to Neymar Azar, etc. His model is still bigger, the power is enough, and he is more awkward

Advantages: Excellent long-range ability and dribble pass, when the left foot is really the top winger!

Disadvantages: The speed is relatively slow. If you want to spend a hawn on him, the hunter will overflow again, otherwise the winger will not be fast enough. And he is the second reverse, very obvious two reverse!!!! In this case of this generation of lw choice so many, this position is a shortcoming

Summary: Feeling card.

I tried to change him to st, and it’s not a little worse with Situ. His second counter is really two counters… Situ is fake

Lw This position is not cut in with him. The right foot scares you. If you play st, the double forward can make up for one side. The winger does not have this statement

So his best position is st, this card is too tasteless. And the speed is only 87, to eat speed card hawk to make up, overall it is not recommended, after all, too expensive. If it is st, you can consider the following

6, Raul.

Feelings: Add a part of the explanation, the Spanish prince, Real Madrid famous, is the half of Spain in that era, the ball tyrant!

Price: The price of sbc is now around 165W (PS), and the value of the package should be 57.25W

Positioning: One of the non-local player graduation cards, the high price is not bound to make him a sacrifice card, the package is also calculated to be about 108W, the actual use feel is similar to the Champions League 91 Aguero, it can be said that The ultimate evolution of Aguero! The header and height also make up for Aguero’s weaknesses. Students who don’t like C Ronaldo can try him, there are surprises!

Time node: Christmas has just passed, the year is also in preparation, 108W is a very expensive price, and will not be used for sacrifice in the later period. However, in terms of the effect of the card, it is worthwhile. If you are not used to the gold card C Ronaldo (240W), you can try raul, the price is right, although the data panel does not look good in the Champions League Aguero, but in fact the overall crushed the Champions League Aguero’s (149W).

Feel: very good, just use him as a headed Aguero, left foot will have flair and shooting skills, don’t be afraid, can be awkward, go in and fight as a dog

Advantages: All fifa ranks one of the top legends of t0.5, I think the best left foot in the version will be (st), excellent long shot, dribbling, strength, bouncing, except a few There are basically no ***** forwards outside the Stars. (Wings-like data, center-like power).

Disadvantages: expensive, will not be used for sacrifices, and will basically not pursue the card like Da Luo

Summary: Civilian graduation choices.

This card has no opponents in the next 3 months (in my opinion, your lineup is Aguero, decisively upgrade him) will not regret it

provides a different choice than C Ronaldo, but the positioning is rather vague, and it may be a position that will occupy your lineup for a long time!

PS: The last suggestion, eat the engine has a surprise!

A friend asked, why did raul eat the engine?

Looking at the picture, the raul that is not slow in speed is overflowing. This is different from Messi and Aguero. They basically guarantee a hunter

The speed here is not really different, the absolute speed is actually faster than the hunter’s Aguero

The key is coming. In addition to the factors of the model itself, eating the engine’s raul feels bad…, you can imagine a 180 center has a slippery feel like Messi, the model relationship may look slower than Messi, but let’s look again physical fitness

Passing the ball will not take a screenshot, and solve the problem of raul passing

A man with Messi feel 88 energies, 91 bounces, 77 strength… Also eat wool hunters..

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