A superhero animated film produced by the United States Columbia Film Company, the American Marvel Company and the American Sony Animation Film Company. “Spiderman: Parallel Universe”. Will be shocked to land on the mainland big screen

Today, the movie has been fully pre-sold on all major ticketing platforms! As the release date approaches, the film reveals the ultimate preview, releasing a lot of wonderful shots to absolutely satisfy the fans’ expectations. In the notice, the six Spider-Man breaks through the sub-element and expresses their magical powers against the villain BOSS group headed by Kim and saves the world!

The ultimate forecast is super strong, and the “Little Black Spider” leads the big BOSS against the villain.

In the ultimate forecast, the number one big BOSS – gold and fierce appearance, he is a strong “Spider-Man, here is never your city” challenged Spider-Man. After the follow-up of the gold, the villains such as the Green Devil and the Skull King also revealed their true feelings and became the strongest villain of the Spider-Man universe! However, Spider-Man is not alone in this battle. Spider-Man Peter Parker, Female Spider-Man Gwen, Shadow Spider-Man, Penny Parker and Parallel in the Parallel Universe. 蜘蛛猪侠. Breaking the second dimension, and “Little Black Spider” Miles Morales assembled into a group to fight against evil!

With the opening of the group battle, the cool and explosive action scenes came into abruptly. The major villains were equipped with different high-tech devices, and a super-combat battle was officially launched. The Spider-Mans have their own courage to cope with it, flipping it like a hang, and launching a counterattack with a signature action. There are also Spider-Man’s exclusive skills to challenge the visual nerve. At the end of the trailer, the “Little Black Spider” uses stealth skills to face the Green Devils perfectly and has a good sense of humor. In just one minute, not only did the two characters of the two groups play, but the intertwined humor and affectionate images increased the film’s durability index. Some netizens screamed that this scene is big enough. The second brush is for this film. At the very least respect.” Along with the ultimate notice, there is also a horizontal poster. The high-rise buildings in the poster are full of three-dimensional, psychedelic lights are deep and mysterious, and the six Spider-Man are in the same frame. Their destiny is related to the safety of the whole world. The momentum of the rainbow proofs their determination to fight against evil

Pre-sales open! Leading the new revolution of animated films, super-burning visual effects detonated word of mouth.

As a superhero animated film created by comics, “Spiderman: Parallel Universe” has innovated the form of animated film. Vibrant visual style is one of the most striking features of the film, combining comics with today’s most advanced CGI technology to create a unique visual style through dynamic blur. I can feel it from the trailer. That kind. The artistic sense of the page turning, there are some moments, the picture will split into several grids, just like reading paper comics. Every frame of the film can be a comic book, a strange feeling of shuttle in the world of movies and comics, which is very beautiful

The film continued to receive favorable comments after the lifting of the word-of-mouth, and it was awarded 86 consecutive praises in the rotten tomato. It was also 83/100 points on the MTC and was marked with the “must see” logo; there was 8.8 on the IMDb. /10 high score. A number of foreign media praised the film, “Forbes” stressed that the film is very “marriage”, “undoubtedly the best Spider-Man series after the first Spider-Man movie!” Hollywood reports also highly praised “a happy animation movie It has added a unique and unique color to the already very large Marvel Shadow Library!” After the end of the long-length movie, many netizens excitedly said “ Wall cracking. Amway, never seen before The visual experience has already broken through the limitations of cartoons, and even more shocking than the real people. “The solid emotional core, the thrilling adventure with this unparalleled picture, absolutely!”

In addition to word of mouth, “Spiderman: Parallel Universe” has also emerged in major film festivals. At present, the film has been nominated for the 91st Oscar for best animated feature film; 7 best nominations and best directors in the 46th Anne Award in the field of animation; the best 2019 Golden Globe Award Animated nominations; winner of the Best Animated Film Award at the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards and the Detroit Film Critics Association Awards

“spider-man: Parallel Universe” will land on the mainland’s big screen on December 21 with 3D, China Giant Screen 3D, IMAX3D, and Dolby Panoramic Sound System. At present, pre-sales have been started on all major platforms, and C is limited. You should start as soon as possible and lock in the golden seats to get the best audio-visual experience. Wonderful not to be missed! (Sony Columbia Film Company, USA)

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