The playwright and theatrical performer Hong Shangshang received a letter from a reader. The reader’s son who wants to become an actor is very opposed. Therefore, he wants to ask Hong: The son is only a 22-year-old boy who has been in the university drama for 4 years. What kind of professional actor can he really pursue?

Hong Shang replied to the reader in the column: He was a performer and attended the audition for nearly 40 years. He often met the 30-year-old who first came to audition for women who wanted to join the troupe. All these women said the same thing: they joined the drama department in high school. When they graduated from high school, they wanted to audition as an actor. When their parents refused, they went to college. After graduating from college, they wanted to audition as an actor. If their parents refused, they went to work. After work, I always wanted to resign and audition as an actor, and my parents still refused. At the age of 30, I finally made up my mind that even if my parents objected, I would do what I wanted to do. So when they were 30, they came to the audition for the first time

And Hong listened to these women’s claims, but could not help but sigh deeply in my heart

Whether it is a musical instrument or a sport, it is definitely the earlier it starts to be more beneficial. The same is true for acting. People who started to take dance lessons and vocal training at the age of 18 are completely different from those who started at the age of 30 and become professional actors

Moreover, the actor is different from the person who has been writing, drawing, and practicing the instrument. Even if it fails, there is still a way out. Because the performance is a work of cooperation with people, we must always communicate with the actors on the same stage, exchange ideas with the director and performers, accept instructions, and communicate with the staff. Therefore, in the process of performance, they have been clearly improving their social skills and being able to become excellent talents. Hongshang knows a lot of people, and at the age of 30, he gave up the road of actors and became a social man

And now people give up faster, 25 years old will see that they are not the material of professional actors, and find another way. There is also an actress, Hongshang regrets for her that “there is no way to work harder”, but she said in a cloudy way, “I am going to be a yoga instructor” and switched

The person who actually tried it will quickly see the reality and choose to give up. On the contrary, people who have always been opposed by their parents, the desire to become an actor will become stronger because of the suppression of their parents. This is the same as falling in love. Parents are left alone, and young people may be tired and break up in the first half of the year. But if parents have been banned, the relationship will burn more and more

Hong Kong admits that the probability of becoming a professional actor is less than 1%. There may be more than one million people who want to be actors in Japan, and there are very few people who can support themselves as professional actors. Most people have to take a role in working for a lifetime. Film and TV pay is not bad; in the case of stage dramas, sometimes actors don’t say that they pay for it, but they also have to give headaches to their own selling indicators. There is a lot of people who are still working in the 40s and 50s and are half-professional and semi-amateur

But at the same time, Hong Shang pointed out that the layman has a great misunderstanding of the “success” of the actor, and often feels that the actor is successful on TV. But in fact, many people have never been to TV, and they have lived very well on the stage play

Last year, when actor Takahashi’s life was famous on TV by the TV series “Quartet”, many media said that he was “based on the long-term basis” and “thickness.” At that time, Hong was very angry: Takahashi was always “playing the foundation”, he was very active in the field of stage play, but the TV series won a breakthrough in 2017

Hong Shang Q: If you don’t become a famous actor in the field of TV dramas, then seiyuu, musicians, classical or jazz dancers who are not on TV are doing the basics all their lives? Nonsense. The stupid argument that the media “actors who don’t play TV shows are not actors” is a level of knowledge and uncle in the countryside

Returning to the topic, Hong’s conclusion is that the reader’s son can’t be an actor, no one knows. If you don’t work hard, you can’t be a professional actor; but even if you work hard, you won’t necessarily succeed

There is no road to ensure success. Even if you go to a famous foster house, you may feel that it is counterproductive because you have gone into a famous cultivation institute. Hong Shang himself went the wildest path with the lowest success rate – he set up a society and succeeded

So Hong told the reader that it was his son, not his parents, who decided what to do. What parents can do is collect information that the child can’t collect, and provide financial assistance within the scope of their ability (which they can accept)

Excessive opposition and excessive support are not advisable. If you object too much, your child will only want to fight with his parents. If you support too much, your child will only want to respond to your parents’ expectations. The best way is to maintain a distance, pretend not to care, and secretly focus on the child’s struggle. In this way, the child can only think hard about himself, “What is the way to choose an actor without a job?” Regardless of the final result, since it is the result of the child’s own thinking, he should be able to accept it

Actors are careers based on unemployment, no matter how famous actors are. Without the desperate will and the madness of madness, it is impossible to climb the mountain of professional actors. Unfortunately, there is no magic carpet that can easily bring people to the top of the mountain


This article is an actor, but it is equally applicable to those who are interested in other creative work

The 31-year-old cartoonist Yukio Sugawara said that he himself would mention on Twitter that he was late in the trip, but that is not to say “no matter what age is not too late”, it is better to say that he It is reflecting on yourself: If you have something you want to do, you should challenge it as soon as possible

When Sugawara became a cartoonist, I felt that I had the experience of a social person to have it today, so I didn’t regret that I started late. But now, he feels that he should start earlier. If you start 10 years ago, it will have 10 years more technology accumulation than now. When the age is old, growth will slow down, and in many ways the flow rate will slow down


The pursuit of dreams is of course the sooner the better, but if you miss the best time, you don’t have to worry about it and give up

The cartoonist Yi Zhi and Zhi said that the editors of the comics’ industry like the sensibility of young people, so “the junior high school debut high school serial!” will have high added value. But if you work hard, you can get another added value that can increase sales in the end: “70-year-old debut! 80-year-old cute painter.” So everyone has to work hard to survive


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