The novelist Mito Spring sees netizens talking about the Japanese gangsters who once sold pirated doujinshi, and recalled that they once heard a rumor: In the heyday of Japanese adult games, the gang also wants to make a game for one person, but no matter how powerful they are. The painters, writers, and programmers did not have a timely intersection; eventually the gangs did not recover the cost, and they left the adult game industry

This gives the Mito a deep feeling of how great the editorial career is. That group of people is the real animal trainer


Net media editor Ito said that writers and editors are labor-intensive industries, and that input and output are not proportional to each other. It is only commonplace, so only those who “have read it all by one day.” In order to “work on the results” to do this kind of work. And those who want to work hard to do this kind of work, or who want to “how to ensure the enthusiasm of work?”, should not do this. This kind of occupation is the goal that only people who have to write and have to read can reach


It seems that I am not suitable for this profession, or I will change career as soon as possible, find a job to play “Civilization” or “Three Kingdoms”

Illustratorしらこand editorial meeting, the editor told him to look for an illustration When you are at home, you will see the actual work of the illustrator.しらこIt is realized that if you want to work as a book illustration, then yourself Try to add a title and a girdle to the painting, and send it to Tumblr or your own website. It is easier to get a job offer than to simply send a picture.しらこI feel that if I do this, I may be able to get a job earlier. It is

しらこwant to tell yourself a year ago: spend all day Painting a new map is certainly a good thing, but it may make sense to spend a whole day thinking about your strategy like this. Adding a title and a girdle to a figure can be cumbersome, but doing so allows you to understand that from the designer’s point of view, the original picture of this picture lacks space and there is no space for the title


We often see animation practitioners on the Internet complaining that the work is tired and busy and has no money to earn. A few days ago, the network video anchor, animation show new son Taiyi and cry on Twitter for more than 10 years, no money, no time, no friends, can not talk about love


However, the animation art Yitian Kenta is worried that this kind of statement may actually have a negative effect on young people entering the animation industry

Yitian entered the animation industry for less than 10 years, and the animated friends who met were married, famous, famous, and spent a lot of money for personal hobbies such as motorcycles. If you paint yourself poorly, or if you start to go to the wrong studio, the income will be very low, which is the fact that the animation industry must improve. But in general, for 10 years, whether it is a man or a woman, you can basically support yourself

If there are people with low quality around you, or if such negative rumors continue, it may be that the social circle of this company is not good, so it is best to resign immediately and go to other companies that have no connection. Because of the nature of his work, Yitian has been sent to many animation production companies. There are both smiling workplaces and roaring and insulting studios

If you put the exaggerated remarks on the Internet as a whole, the exaggerated remarks will be true. If you go into the wrong studio, you will feel that “the industry is like this”. It takes several years to consume. If you can realize that “people who can live a good life will not complain on the Internet”, it will help themselves

Moreover, in the animation industry, the income of the background (as long as there is basic painting) is not bad. Although Yitian felt that he should not talk about his life, but to prove his point of view, he used his own example: his income, he can marry, support children, bear mortgage and car loans, and is now preparing to buy a motorcycle. He is a medium-level background artist who can live this life


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