At present, the animated cartoon “The Shield of the Brave” has entered the second half of the stage. WebNewtype has previously interviewed the supervised A Bao Xiaoxiong and the character design Su Shizhen. In the first part, the two men directed the male lord Shang Wen and the female lover In the role design of Talia, I talked about some behind-the-scenes production anecdotes

Suwa was the master of the original painting and master painting after coming to KINEMA CITRUS, and participated in the two works of “Under the Dog” and “The Hot Table Tennis Ball”, and was later recommended by Ogasawara Shoji. Try to play the role of the role of “The Shield of the Brave”. In “Pattern Pong”, Abao Xiaoxiong had cooperated with Suwa as a performance, so he still knows about Suwa’s paintings. He is also very much looking forward to the appointment of “Guo Yong” by Suwa

Because there are quite a lot of lines in the novel illustrations, it can be said that it is quite luxurious and beautiful. Therefore, in order to avoid the burden of animation painting, Suwa is designed to be as simple as possible when designing animators, especially in the details of clothing. Some jewelry aspects are considered as simple as possible. A Bao said that although the relative original work has been simplified, the judgment of Suwa is actually quite good. Even a simple person can reflect a certain amount of information, especially for the control of the number of lines, from close-up to long. The switching of the lens still gives people the same amount of information

The first painting of Suwa is the design of Shang Wen. The teacher who is responsible for the original illustration tells Suwa. The most important thing to pay attention to when painting Shang Wen is his hairstyle, a hairstyle like a whirlpool, and the hair is It grows in a specific direction, and this direction is regular, so you need to pay special attention to not reverse the direction

Expressions, after reading the original, Suwa’s impression of Shang Wen is “In short, it is very strong”. Even in the face of adversity, there is an indomitable spirit that gives people the impression that they can move forward no matter what they encounter. In the leading visual map, Suu Wen painted Shang Wen’s “Ren Wang Li”, which is the closest to his heart’s image of Shang Wen. Even the expression is the kind of ridicule and disdain that looks from the top down. The first episode was framed before the Shang Wen It is slightly larger than the eye of the character design, giving a slightly younger impression

This is a dark fantasy department with a strong and serious part. Therefore, in order to correspond with this style of story, Abao chose the picture with a relatively high age in the original illustration, but it does not mean hope. Let Shang Wen become mature, but want to increase his sense of “beautiful boy.”

Abao said that he was the first time to paint a slightly handsome boy, and revealed that there were actually a lot of expressions in the expressions of Shang Wen’s expressions, which can be said to be a more refreshing version than now. In comparison with Suwa, I compared it with the original and modified it to pick out the “blackening” wicked expressions of Shang Wen and show the powerful expressions inside, as well as the gentle expressions and some other forms that might be used in this article. There is this Shangwen now

There is no special requirement for the people of Lavta Liya. I only hope that from the time of my childhood to the growth, her inner can also be reflected on the outside. A Bao said that although Lavta Liya’s infancy was only a short period, her heart has changed since she met Shang Wen, so she hopes that this change can also be expressed on the outside. The design of Su Shi’s hand to A Bao is perfect, so he has not fixed it before finalizing the case

A Bao and Su Shi felt that, apart from all factors, the essence of Lavta Liya was always a swordsman. Therefore, when he was a man, he emphasized the fact that Lavta Lia was the handsome side of the swordsman. It also sets off its lovely part from the side. In his childhood, Raffalara was quite fragile because of the slave relationship, and he tried to design people to look at the desire to protect. The body is thin, the hands and feet are slender, and at first glance it is quite pitiful. After meeting with Shang Wen, it adds a lovely side on the poor foundation, making the childhood more attractive

Suwa mentioned that when doing Raffetta Liya, it is as difficult as Shang Wen to be in the hairstyle. Lavta Liya’s hairstyle is basically in stages at the level of curls. How to handle this layering in a relatively balanced manner is still troubled by Suwa. However, relative to Lavta Liya, Suwa thinks that it is the most difficult person to set up a character in the debut role. Because of the handling of the Shangwen hair style, Suwa said that he may change every time he draws a Shangwen, which leads to The problem of Shang Wen’s difficult painting also made other original artists in the production team feel the same

Like other characters that don’t often appear, such as King Otto Krei or slave traders, it’s relatively good. The slave trader belongs to the characterized character, and the image is deeply rooted. Therefore, it is very good to draw, and although the Otto Kryor seems to be cumbersome, the cumbersome part is simply because there are many accessories. Compared with the original, the clothes and hairstyles have already been A considerable amount of lines have been reduced. At the same time, Suwa also self-reflected that it might be a little more handsome to draw Otto Kree, which led to the inconsistency with the content of the work

However, Abao believes that Su Shi’s paintings are very good. While maintaining Otto Kree’s majesty as a king, he also reveals the resentment against Shang Wen and the guilt of Melti. Although Su Shi has always said that Shang Wen is the most effective role, but the same fashion language is the most frequently drawn character, and constantly refined, so this familiarity also makes Shang Wen the easiest character to play

  • “Shieldの勇者の成りがり》”・阿保孝雄×キャラクターデザイン・诹访真弘対[前编]

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