Once the Shadow Three Knives were launched, they were loved by most of the Devils players in Diablo III. Because of their super high damage and super maneuverability, they also attracted many other professional players. Especially in the current 16 seasons, there were three knives that broke 100 meters of rice on the night of the season

The Devil’s Shadow Three-Swords Guide.

16 season comes with flower ring fitting analysis.

Please note: This section is only valid for the 16 seasons and expires

16 season comes with a flower ring, the shadow three knives can have one more piece, there are the following situations:

1, Icing three knives suggest that the cream burns and the eagle wears a sneak one; the other rune three knives recommend wearing a swamp trousers to extract the eagle;

2, all runes can be accompanied by Ogid’s wrist and shoulder set of 2, both offensive and defensive;

3, all runes can be revenge with ice, electric double runes, with Gupa wristband to strengthen the tough;

4, Other options: You can also wear a 51 belt, extract a shadow belt, or wear an Antou, extract the Eagle

First knife: Shadow three-knife basics.

Shadow Set Special Effects:

2 sets of special effects: Under the premise of equipped melee weapons, the global independent injury is 61 times (Note: DH can only be equipped with one-handed general melee weapons, including daggers, swords, axes, hammers and spears; when equipped with melee weapons Attack skills that can be released include flying knives, war wheels, meteor cables, knife fans, grenades, traps, and arrow towers;

4 sets of special effects: the wings get full runes and last forever (note: the deceleration runes of the wings are active skills, can not last forever, need to be manually released);

6 sets of special effects: The flying knife inflicts an additional 75000% damage on the first enemy hit (tested: the damage of the flying knife after the shadow 6 is 75750%; this 75750% enjoys the shadow 2 injuries, also Enjoy skills, elemental injuries, elite injuries and range injuries). Therefore, the total number of damages of the shadow 6 pairs of flying knives is: (75750/750) * 61 = 6161 times

Detailed parts of the special parts:

I, Jia Ni Dagger:

Explanation: This special effect is to give the monster a buff, lasting 2 seconds. In other words, if you use the flying knife to hit this monster again within 2 seconds, you can return to hate. The electric rune and the ice rune can be returned to hatred many times, hitting a few blame and returning several times; the fire damage of the rune can not return to hate; in addition, after equipped with three swords, the three knives can return to hate

Two, three knife quiver:

1. After equipped with three swords and arrows, release the flying knife skills to shoot three flying knives at the same time, three flying knives fixed angles, similar to dodge shooting;

2, three knives can hit the same blame (even the smallest blame face can also be three-knife all, medium and large strange distance 10-15 yards can still be three-knife all);

3. Three knives can trigger the effect of each of the flying knives, can trigger the home effect, can trigger range damage;

4, three-knife attack can only stack a layer of hook jade, trigger a hit back, stack a penalty;

5, electric flying knives do not enjoy the cannon penetration, other runes only the middle one to enjoy the cannon penetration; the cannon penetrated the flying knives do not enjoy the shadow 6 increased injury (this article quotes K teacher test conclusion);

6. The plundering of the 4 arrow tower does not inherit the three-knife special effects;

7. The three flying knives have three times the trigger coefficient: the blood return mark can return three times the blood, and the return hate mark is also three times the effect

Third, Shadow Belt:

Shadow belt is the key equipment for flying knife mobility

Flying knife each rune detailed:

Physical Rune 1: 100% Halo target 1.5 seconds, need to pay attention to: when equipped with Shadow 6, the rune’s faint is invalid (A three strange bug);

Fire Rune: Dot damage does not enjoy Shadow 6 damage, does not trigger Jia Ni to return to hate;

冰 Rune: After the penetration, you don’t enjoy the shadow 6 increase, but you can trigger Jia Ni’s first return to hate;

Electric rune: After the catapult, you don’t enjoy the shadow 6 increase, but you can trigger the home to return to hate (because the catapult is automatically searching for the enemy, the rune is the best)

Physical Rune 2: Increases the damage of the monster by 330%. After the test, the 330% of the rune is invalid after the Shadow 6 is equipped. The damage is exactly the same as other runes. It should be deliberately set by Blizzard to prevent the rise of DH

Note: The damage of all runes after the Shadow 6 is the same, only some of the Rune’s effects are invalid. Therefore, the team can use any runes, single brush recommended electric and ice runes, back to hate effect is better

Wing skills detailed:

The effect of the shadow four-piece set is that the wings are full of runes, and any runes can be selected. The difference is that the colors of the wings are different

Just enter the game, change maps or die and need to manually open the wings. The deceleration rune of the wing is an active skill that needs to be manually turned on for 5 seconds each time

Also, pay attention to the description of the wings: the hit recovery life is increased, and the value is equivalent to 25% of your life

Therefore, the wings can also kill the potion (blue bottle), with the passive blood-sucking, after the card syrup can get 15-20W hit back, the shadow fly knife strong recovery ability guarantee!

There is always someone asking how to add potion, here to talk about it: take the blood-sucking passive and kill the potion, change the map or die to eat a potion, then open the wings, it will automatically get stuck

The analysis of the advantages of Shadow Three Knives.

A: Mobility.

Shadow Belt + Rolling = Unlimited Jumping Monsters

Two: Super single cell damage.

With the appearance of the three-blade quiver, the damage of the Shadow Knife is finally worthy of his purely single skill.

Although it is a single element, it is actually powerful enough, as long as you can use it reasonably

Three: High tough + high reply.

High Toughness: Shadow Knife has 35% wings, 50% revenge, 60% afterimage, 50% Skyhawk, and armored knives and wild boars that can be worn. It can be said to be very hard.

High Reply: Full Rune Wings + Vampire Passive + Kill Back Potion + Equipment to kill back affixes, up to 20W hit back, even if the equipment affix is not perfect, it can easily hit around 15W. The special effect of Jia Ni’s dagger determines that we can fly the knife without a brain. Assuming 20W hits +2.5 attack speed, it is equivalent to 50W seconds back

IV. The difficulty of land reclamation is the lowest and the molding is the fastest.

DH can only upgrade two daggers, and Jia Ni is the first minute to graduate; the shadows are set together, there is a three-blade quiver, hundreds of thousands of panels, and no CDRs such as CDRs, take off directly on T13. !

The second knife: Shadow three-knife single brush guide.

BD build:


1, The flying knife single brush generally uses electricity or ice runes, because back to hate the most brainless, Skyhawk is easy to keep;

2, wings, tumbling and revenge are essential skills, tumbling to choose halo runes, revenge to choose electric runes;

3, because the three knives can return to hate, even if it is a single, there is no shortage of hatred, so you can not have left-hand skills;

4, the last two active skills can be freely chosen, attacking the 10 burst nails, infection marks and wolves, defense armor knife and wild boar are good choices;

5, Passive recommendation for chasing, Chun brother and bloodsucking, the last one can choose to attack the ambush or defense to the anesthesia

Finally, the sentence: BD does not have to be hard-wired, it is best for you


1. Because the rhythmic rollover hardly consumes the traveler’s stack, the traveler’s set is perfect match with the shadow flying knife;

2, wristbands have a variety of choices, rolling faint can be combined with Lux, you can also choose the enemy or Gupa;

3, the belt is still recommended for the chain of shadows, the strategic significance is greater than 51 or Thor’s injury;

4, the ring can also bring unity extraction elements; speed brush can be replaced with Jordan or greedy ring;

5, extraction: dawn, sky eagle, afterimage or element; if you use ice skates, the eagle can be replaced by frost; you can also extract the ancient head, use the ice revenge with Gupa

About electric knives and skates:

1, 1, the ice knife can extract frost burning, ice skates and electric knife can extract the Eagle;

2. When the monster is intensive, the ice skates hit more monsters, and the effect of triggering the painful gemstone is better than that of the electric knife;

3, because the ice skate can penetrate, the attack range is larger, the effect of pulling the monster is better than the electric knife;

4, heap range injury or attack speed, it doesn’t matter with ice skates or electric knives. My opinion is that they are all piled up, balanced development, and the maximization of affixed revenue is the only principle

5, use pain or punishment, it does not matter with the ice knife electric knife, it is necessary to pay attention to the three-knife, the penalty is also in the progress stage, there are gains, the total income in the upper level is not lower than the pain, and the higher the number of layers, the greater the return

About the afterimage and unity:

The afterimage damage is higher, but you need to keep the buff, the operation is a bit more complicated;

Unity operation is more brainless, and there are 15 elite injuries, and the damage is higher

Or choose to accord to your preferences

Gem recommended prisoner, hook jade and pain (penalty), you can also use the strong


勾玉 is the whole process including boss stability 15 attack speed + two affixes (15 flying knife injury and 20 range injury), the pain is the highest attack speed doubled, the lowest 3% attack speed, the average is not necessarily high. In the number of layers that need to be punished, it is still better to feel that the jade is better, and the number of layers that do not need to be punished can be combined with pain and pain

Punishment: For the general aoe skill, the penalty is basically no gain in the advancement stage, but for the single-point elite three-knife, the penalty is also profitable in the advancement stage, according to the 2 attack speed 100-level penalty, 30s You can double the damage, which is an average of 50%


After the first flying knife, the Eagle will be interrupted for a short time.

If the shoulder has a depletion affix, the peak will then point to the hate limit, you can keep the whole sky eagle.

If there is no depletion affix on the body, then there is no need to hate the upper limit

Affix selection:

Head: Agile, flying knife injury, explosion rate (see the situation for physical fitness), hole;

Shoulder: Agility, physical fitness, range injury, CDR;

Clothes: agility, physical fitness, total resistance (see the situation for life%), 3 holes;

Gloves: Burst, Explosion Rate, Attack Speed, Range Damage (Agility);

Legs: agility, physical strength, total resistance, 2 holes;

Feet: Agility, physical strength, total resistance, flying knife injury;

Bracers: agility, physical strength, elemental damage, explosion rate;

Belt: Agility, physical strength, total resistance, % of life;

Necklace: Elemental injury, blast, explosion rate, hole;

Ring 1 (Rose): Agility, blast, burst rate, injury, hole;

Ring 2: Burst, explosion rate, injury, hole;

Master: ED, range injury, attack speed (agile), hole;

Deputy: elemental injury, agility, explosive rate, flying knife injury (range injury);

Ad affixes: prefer to kill back

The affix selection principle:

1, 1, the fly knife injury has a high income, preferred choice;

2, Because there is a jade, only a CDR on the shoulder, with the head diamond and dawn, can achieve seamless revenge;

3, the attack speed is only in the quiver and gloves (or ring), the weapon can not produce the attack speed, see the following analysis;

4, the scope of the injury can be on the shoulders, gloves, if the quiver has no flying knife injury, you can also range damage;

5, because the rose affix is too difficult to perfect, if the rose has attack speed, the glove can not attack speed, out of range injury or physical strength

Focus on weapons:

According to the above affixes, there are only attack speed affixes in quiver and gloves (or rings).

1. If the quiver and the glove (or ring) are full attack speed (Quiver 20, Glove 7), with the hook jade and the witch, just on the 25f, this time the weapon’s attack speed can only be increased by 1 file. The income is not high, and the range of injuries can be preferred.

2, If the quiver and the glove (or ring) are not all full attack speed (less than 27), with the hook jade and the witch, the attack speed of the weapon can be increased by 2 files, the profit is very high, and the attack speed is preferred.

3, under the high peak state, the weapon can wash off the agility, choose ED, range damage and attack speed

4, if the gem belt pain, you can stay at 3% attack speed, the above quiver and gloves (or ring) attack speed requirements greater than 24!

5, the general principle is: If the weapon’s 7 attack speed can be increased by two gears, it must be selected. If only one gear is upgraded, it will be replaced with a range of other affixes

Practical points:

1, you should learn to use the “V” word to roll and force the mobile key to face the elite, in order to take advantage of the single knife, kill the elite at the fastest speed;

2, dare to fight, to maximize output;

3, try to stand the yellow circle, unless you are posting the face elite;

4, roll in a few seconds to trigger the afterimage effect and move the position; if the afterimage effect is going to disappear, it is sticking to the face elite, you can use the wings to trigger the afterimage;

5, If you use unity, don’t roll over frequently, try to fight, and roll will lose output;

6. Death or change the map Remember to reopen the wings and eat once to kill the potion;

7. It is best to run the stone man and electric fan that will rebound, unless you want to be killed by your own flying knife;

8, large size monsters and high-density mobs are also worth fighting, not just playing elites;

9, I like the melee monster that automatically sticks to your face, hate remote monsters;

10, revenge and armor knife fan can be used to play the keypad, roll and wings manually to trigger the afterimage;

11, The wild boar can be replaced with a wolf, a mark or a 10 blasting claw. I use the wild boar because it is lazy; Chun Ge can also be replaced with an ambush

12, speed brush can bring back hatred revenge (or return to hate ready to go), strategic advantage, extract gold coin belt and greedy ring

Third knife: Shadow three-knife team idea.

BD build:

1. Recommend to bring wolves and markers that provide team gains;

2, if you team up, the rune of the flying knife does not matter. What kind of rune is used for any element?

3, Passive can be full attack, or give up the stagnation with Chun Ge; if you are calm, boss pays attention to the card 10 yards output



1, Maximize output, replace the ring with Jordan, change the belt to 51, change the wristband into a leopard, and replace the gem with an emerald

2, no need for range injuries, weapons and gloves out of attack speed;

3, Rose priority injury, Jordan blasted; Gao Qifeng, the weapon can wash off agility, ed, attack speed and elite injury

4, Extraction: Ice-knife extraction cream burning can maximize the output, you can also extract the Eagle to increase the toughness, or extract the wearer shoes to point the elite;

5, if the toughness is not enough, you can consider changing diamonds and extracting the Eagle

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