Recently, the original animation “Desperate Response” produced by the Dream of Animation and Penguin Film and Television released the world’s leading trailer. This is a new organization exposed after the intelligent Jishou’s preview, the unique preview, and the Zhihun’s pilot notice. In addition, the official also announced a personal trailer for the charismatic character Qin Yu in the story

The whole scene of the trailer has a slow change in the rhythm, slow and slow, and the inner activity of the character, the rendering of emotions, and the creation of the atmosphere are all in place. From the overall style, this World Expo trailer is different from the three pilot trailers released before. There are no fierce fighting and explosions, but some more thought-provoking pictures and lines. The trailer passed. Some scenes of contemplation with members of the World Association, “not every self-aware AIP is a terrorist” “people do not commit me, I do not commit crimes” “every independent AIP must have the freedom to survive” and other lines, let the audience I generally know the world view of the World Association

The successive release of Smart Ji, the unique difference, the intellectual hunting group, and the World Games four pilot notices show us a fierce and subtle game between several forces. After the publication of the pilot trailer of this World Games, although the division of the whole animation has been relatively clear, what kind of entanglement between the various forces is still a mystery. For example, why is there a conflict and cooperation between Smart Ji and Zhihun? As the organization of the intelligent people is the same as the world society, why do the concepts have such a big difference? What does it mean to say “balance” in the words “They broke the balance”? These issues have to be further explored in the film

“Desperate Response” portrays a possible future for us. Thirty years later, a group of self-aware intelligent people have undergone intelligent changes, creating terrorist incidents everywhere, posing a deadly threat to Earth peace and human life. In order to prevent the spread of intelligent disasters and maintain global security, some righteous people have launched a fierce confrontation with them. Science is constantly evolving, and the situation of robots against humans may occur. “Desperate Response” reflects this concern through animation, causing everyone to think about society and humanity

Currently, there are not a few domestic animations on soft sci-fi themes, and many have shown great potential. “Desperate Response” is the first 3D animation in China with the theme of intelligent hero battle. The story setting is very big and very thought-provoking. In the recent trailers released in succession, the imagination beyond the reality, the exciting and exciting battle, The stunning special effects also make people feel excited. I believe that the positive film will not let us down! The

Trailer mainly shows us the battle fragments of Qin. At the beginning of the trailer, the future fighters shuttled between the high-rise buildings, and the sci-fi atmosphere was created in place. Then a red sports car slowly appeared, followed by a short silver hair, a red robes with a short knife and a close fight with the opponent, the rhythm of a fast and slow switch between the shots, seeing people boiling. In addition, the scene of Qin Yu’s meditation in the trailer is also full of delusions. What kind of story is there behind such a girl?

According to the official news, the Smart Ji team and the human warriors in the “Desperate Response” unite together to resist the invasion of the unique dark forces. In the previously released Smart Jishou preview, Qin Hao only had a very brief appearance. The trailer released this time gave us a more three-dimensional impression of the character Qin. Although the appearance is a cute girl, but she fights but kills people without blinking, let the netizens call this girl really is not easy to provoke! The appearance of the second element, pure and cute and playful, but also a bit charming, fighting has become another look, quickly quasi-small, live off a “little devil.” It’s hard to really like this cute girl

Directed by Stone Bear, the original 3D animation “Desperate Response” produced by Penguin Animation and Penguin Films has released four pilot trailers in succession – Smart Jishou Trailer, Unique Guide, and Hunting Group Guide The notice, the world’s leading notice, is on the line. Especially as the core role of the whole animation, the intelligent Ji team composed of several intelligent beauty has gained a high degree of attention. Let’s wait for the single trailer for several other smart girls!

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