“when Ursula Zante acted as a black silhouette, she broke into a circle of child pornography and found a child-selling gang that provided that photos and short films. You think those kids would care if she was an Are lesbians? Will they reduce their gratitude to her? Will they feel that she owes her less? She is an angel of revenge!” – Hollis Mason.

As Hollis Mason (first-generation nightingale) said, Ursula Zante is a member of the “militia” organization, and she has been working hard to combat child trafficking gangs throughout her life. In fact, her childhood was very tragic. She was a Jew. She lost most of her loved ones after being occupied by Nazis in Austria, and grew up with her sister Blanche in the Nazi-occupied orphanage. There she was helped by the pharmacist Gretchen. Although Ursula knew that their situation was dangerous, she still had the courage to live. She read poetry to the weak sister and cheered her up

Later, Gretchen began to fall in love with Ursula, who planned to escape from this place. Unfortunately, sister Blanche was taken into a closed room. So, Ursula poisoned the guard and entered the room to find her sister, but saw her sister cruelly tortured by a mysterious man wearing a black mask. Gretchen shot and killed the man, saved Ursula, and fled to the United States to become a lover to start a new life. This painful experience laid the foundation for Ursula’s pseudonym “black silhouette” to fight crime

Hollis Mason mentions the heroic deeds of the black silhouette in his book “Under the Mask”: In 1939, the black silhouette exposed an unscrupulous publisher of child pornography and made headlines. According to the article, the black silhouette severely punished the unscrupulous merchant and his two chief photographers. Then she continued to trace the industry of child trafficking. She also chased two kidnappers in Chinatown and rescued a little boy

Later that year, she saw an advertisement in the newspaper of the Metropolitan Captain and the Soul, asking the masked hero to come forward. Soon, the black silhouette joined the militia. The Metropolitan Captain is the leader of the organization, and Larry’s agent Larry is responsible for the public relations and propaganda of the militia. These two people occupy a high position in the militia organization.The

Black silhouette questioned the practice of Larry and the Metropolitan Captain just to maintain and promote the militia, not to fight offenders. Because when she proposed to pursue the sale of children’s gangs, Larry said that the case is not suitable for the public, they hope that the public will be happy when they mention the militia. For example, some stupid gangsters were squandered, or the grandmother was saved, instead of thinking of the poor children, tortured by pornographic performances. This forced the black silhouette to continue to be investigated separately

After the militia meeting, she left, the nightingale (he wanted to know the black silhouette) and the moth people investigated a boy who was missing midway. The nightingale helped her all the time while she was not working for the police or militia and managed to build a strong relationship with her. Despite the “rules” between them, the nightingale decided to reveal his true identity and gave his phone number to the black silhouette

In a survey, black silhouettes entered a cinema where high society people watched child pornography. She managed to save a girl, she could have quietly left with the girl, but she still thought about killing everyone there. As a result, the girl was shot and she was seriously injured by shooting. She called the nightingale and walked to the church. The nightingale quickly changed to leave the police duty station to the church, drove her to see a doctor, and the doctor was actually her girlfriend Gretchen

In 1946, the media disclosed that she lived with Gretchen

Larry persuaded the organization to expel her to minimize PR losses. She was dismissed by a 4-2 vote (the hood judge and the Metropolitan captain voted against it). Even so, the nightingale continued to work with her. The black silhouette handed him a document containing the murdered child and asked him to look it up in the police file

Two weeks later, the nightingale sent her everything she could collect. Then, she and Gretchen went to an apartment in Marina Bay and told the nightingale that she would come back with the results of the investigation. She found some clues that the murderer was the circus powerhouse Rolf Muller

Six weeks later, she and Gretchen were killed by the liquidator in that flat. When the militia learned that the liquidator had returned to New York, the soul of the soul broke into the hiding place of the liquidator and killed him. The moths buried them, and in order not to let them be defiled by the haters, they did not engrave any words on their tombstones

Original: Marvel DC said.

WeChat search attention: Marvel DC said.

Weibo search attention: Marvel DC said

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