Let’s put the evaluation first. This is the best single-person super-English translation movie of the year, no one

Sea King and Omm.

The story of the movie is actually very simple. Basically, it is the adaptation of DC New 52 Haiwang comics. There is no extra branch line. It is straight into the theme, and the audience can easily guess the direction of the next story

However, who said that the movie story is simple is not a good thing? Is Avatar’s plot complicated? Is the Titanic story not very simple?

It’s not easy to make a simple movie, this is not a simple place for this director. (Troubleshooting ==).

The current high scores of Taobao tickets, as well as the praise of Weibo and WeChat, also confirmed this point

“The Sea King” This movie brought such a big shock to the audience. Thanks to the talent of the director of Wen Ziren


So the question is coming, how much is the director of Wen Ziren? Put an old list first —.

Chainsaw Cry.

Cost: 1.2 million / box office: 103 million.


Cost: 20 million / box office: 22.21 million.

Illegal sanctions.

Cost: 20 million / box office: 16.97 million.


Cost: 1.5 million / box office: 97 million.


Cost: 20 million / box office: 320 million.

Latitude 2

Cost: 5 million / box office: 160 million.

Speed and passion 7.

Cost: 190 million / box office: 1.51 billion.


Cost: 40 million / box office: 320 million.

As you can see from this list, if you add a label to the director Wen Ziren, that is. “Stable”. , All the movies that have been filmed since the debut have only two hits, and the rest are basically earning a lot of money, especially. Often harvest high box office with small investment

As everyone knows, Wen Ziren is famous. Horror film master. , The vast majority of the movies he shoots are horror films, and the horror film universe is currently developing well—. 招魂宇宙. Is the one he built, in this “Sea King”, inside. Wen Ziren is perfectly integrated into the film in the way he uses it on horror movies, making “Sea King” a unique presence in many super-English films


So what are the highlights of this movie “Sea King”?

1, The perfect control of the film rhythm.

The most important thing about the horror film is to grasp the rhythm of the audience. When the audience needs to “snap”, a timely wave of “adrenalin augmentation method”, Wen Ziren as a horror film master, can be said to be familiar with this. On the chest

This time, “Sea King” is also the same. From the beginning to the end, the eyes of the audience are firmly attracted to the big screen. The big scenes in “The Sea King” are very many, and there are many plays. But the audience will not appear even a little of “aesthetic fatigue”, which can be said to be a textbook-style film rhythm

What is the reason for such a good movie rhythm? It’s that the audience’s look is very good. , After all, as a form of entertainment, the movie first needs to make the audience feel physically and mentally happy. No one wants to enter the theater to watch a movie that was first battled 60 minutes later (well, it’s called “Bat” Grandma vs. Superman”).

Sea King and Gala.

2, the use of long shots is pure.

The most important use of the long lens is the embodiment of the entire movie space, including the distance and the timing of the camera switching, and Wen Ziren’s use of the long lens in Haiwang is the ultimate level, due to If you want to elaborate, it may involve spoilers. I won’t say much here. But the small game can be said with certainty. If he is to film “Justice League”, a long-range battle of the seven giants will be able to make people burst

One of the long shots that appear in the trailer. Black Manta vs V Neptune

 3. The setting of the world view.

Wen Ziren himself is a builder of the film universe (the soul of the universe). Therefore, it is one of his strengths to set the world view. The setting of the seven kingdoms of the whole seabed is just right in Haiwang. It seems to be a relatively simple and ordinary setting, but in fact, it still leaves a lot of foreshadowing. Moreover, it is limited to the length of the plot. In fact, there are very few plays in each kingdom (except Atlantis). So what is the treatment for the audience to remember quickly?

Wen Ziren told us in this movie, that is. Tag. , in the limited debut, quickly highlights the characteristics of the kingdom (the film is mainly reflected by the performance of the king) to let the audience naturally remember, and these “tags” also have the role of promoting the plot, it can be said that it is two birds with one stone

In addition to providing a stable framework for ontology movies, it leaves room for development for future sequels. It can be said that this is the work of a “movie universe builder”

Undersea Kingdom.

4, the perfect combination of multiple elements.

Someone has said before Weibo, “海王” is a movie taken in the direction of “Lord of the Rings”. (Not to say that it is comparable to “The Lord of the Rings”, but to shoot in this direction) In fact, the movie “Sea King” looks like a person, it can be said that it is. “Lord of the Rings” + “Star Wars” + “Avatar” + Horror Movie + Cthulhu Mythology

The material of so many elements is concentrated in one movie, but after reading this movie, you will never feel so-called out-of-place, you have to say that it is benefiting from it. Wen Ziren’s own ability to integrate film elements. . For example, the elements of Cthulhu and the horror film are integrated into the monsters on the seabed, and the elements of “Star Wars” are integrated into the fierce battle of the seabed kingdom…

After the integration of many elements, it is the underwater world that the audience saw in the movie, that is, Atlantis, which is almost praised by Weibo, is the seven kingdoms of the visual feast

The horror element is perfectly combined with the deep sea monster.

5, top visual effects.

For the visual effect, in addition to the use of the lens, the most important natural effect is special, and the special effect of “Neptune” is made up of three top global special effects companies – three. James Cameron’s digital field + Vita Digital + Industrial Light Magic. Co-produced

With the scenes in the “Sea King” movie, plus these three special effects companies, many people will think that the investment is very high, after all, every second is money. However, in fact, the investment of “Sea King” is only. $1.66 billion. Just around, comparing the “Batman vs. Superman”, “Superman: The Iron Man”, “Justice League”, which have invested over 200 million US dollars, can only say one. Wen Ziren used all the money to make a profit of $250 million for $166 million. It’s amazing

The dazzling underwater world.

6. Character shaping.

Since this part may involve spoilers, you can only say it briefly

Because the plot itself is a relatively straightforward one, the role of the role is relatively simple and straightforward. This is actually a very correct approach for fast-paced commercial movies. , The reverse example is naturally “Batman vs. Superman”. It is actually a superfluous practice to add a metaphor. After all, the audience enters the theater to see that the movie is not the Bible

In terms of characters, there is no contradiction before and after shaping, and the behavior is reasonable. Some characters have the same personality as comics, while others are slightly changed, but they are all in a completely acceptable range. Also have to say, 湄拉 is definitely the most sucking role in the movie, no one

湄拉! After watching this movie, many people should call her wife!

7, actor…

Needless to say this point… Jason Morma’s figure, every time the meat in the film can make people swell, Amber’s Jura and Kidman’s Queen, the value of the sky burst into the sky. .. Omm is so terrible, there are also old tricks of the old Spider-Man Green Devils. Actors are also absolutely impeccable…

The whole “Sea King”, the only slight deficiency is that the soundtrack is more common, there is no special highlights. But waiting for the ending song in front of the egg is very epic If it is a commercial movie, it can be said very clearly. There is almost no fault

Finally, I don’t even say it, let’s blow a wave of Wenziren! Children’s shoes that you haven’t seen yet, remember to buy tickets quickly~