Although “Detective Conan” is a reasoning anime, in the plot, the characters not only have to crack the case, but sometimes have to deal with all kinds of prisoners, so it is necessary to have certain self-defense skills. In it, almost every major person has his own triumphant effort. Today I will tell you about the five major martial arts factions in “Detective Conan” and their representatives

1. Karate Representatives: Jingji Zhen, Ma Lilan, etc.

Karate can be said to be the most martial artist in the “Detective Conan”, after all, is the traditional Japanese fighting skills. Among them, Ma Lilan is the master of karate, but she is not the strongest character in karate. The strongest karate should be Jingjizheng, the national champion of karate, the four-hundred-game winning streak, and the title of “sniping your son”. Can control the car with bare hands and use the body to avoid bullets

2. Judo Representatives: Maori Kogoro, Satomi and Son.

Although Maori Kogoro looks like a slap in the air, he still works very well at the crucial time, and his judo technique is first-class, especially the over-the-shoulder throw, but he will be in the game every time he arrives. So there is no honor in judo. In addition, the female criminal policeman Satomi Kazuko is also a judo master

3. Free Fighting Representative: Amuro.

Free Fighting, this martial art originated in Europe and America. It has no fixed routines. It is more focused on the free play of the scene, open style, flexible display of various three-dimensional techniques such as boxing, feet, elbows, knees and falls. Both. In the plot, Amuro is a master of free combat, and his character is also very suitable for this martial arts

4. Kendo representative: The service department is flat, the service department is half-hidden, and the Chongtian company is in charge.

The sword was regarded as the soul and spiritual symbol of the samurai in ancient times, so the martial art of Kendo is very popular in Japan. There are also many genres. In “Detective Conan”, many characters will be kendo. For example, the uniform of the service department, the father and son of the service department are the masters of Kendo, and the role of the general manager of Oda, his kendo ability is even above the level

5. Aikido Representative: Far mountain and leaf.

Aikido is a defensive counter-attack martial that uses the kinetic energy of the attacker, manipulates energy, and favors skill control. The emphasis is on soft-kick, defensive counterattack. The Aikido can be divided into Japan Aikido and Korea Aikido. The role of Detective Conan is far from the mountains and leaves. She should be a Japanese Aikido

6. Jeet Kune Do Representative: Akai Hideyoshi, Shiliang Zhenchun.

Jeet Kune Do is a modern martial arts system founded by the martial arts master Li Xiaolong during his lifetime. Its name means blocking the opponent’s method of punching, or intercepting the opponent’s fist. In “Detective Conan”, high school female detective Shiliang Zhenchun is the master of Jeet Kune Do, and she once said that her brother Akai Hideki has three times the strength of a fist, which shows that Akai Hideyoshi’s accomplishment in Jeet Kune Do

In addition to the above six martial arts, in fact, “Detective Conan” also appeared in Taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other martial arts, but the users are dragons. Which of the six martial arts representatives you think is the strongest fighting? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below. If you like this article, don’t forget to like, collect, share and support me. Your support is my motivation

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