Watching Pioneer’s single-player mode The fast-paced game brings a lot of fun to the player. Freedom to play in the game is a test of the individual’s operating skills, and this mode of hero selection is a very important part. Next we will take a look at the five strongest heroes in the deathmatch mode

Genji: In the watch pioneer, it can be called the strongest heads-up hero by the player. The super maneuverability makes his cut-in ability, the skill shadow can advance forward and cause damage along the way, and in the kill or assist. It will refresh the time when the skill cools; the big stroke will cause continuous high damage to the enemies in the range. In the single-player mode, Genji relies on his own mobility to avoid enemy skills. The main reason is to use the skill dart to hit the damage, until the opposite side is the blood, use the shadow to advance forward, and then directly opposite the big trick. Take away. Not only that, the flexible displacement of Genji is not easy to be played in this mode, it is still very simple to show the opposite

路霸: The reloading hero has the ability to continue to return blood, and there is also a spike in the high blood volume. The skill respirator can recover a large amount of health, and the damage taken by this is reduced by 50%; the big-fee chicken flying dog can hit a large amount of damage in a short time. In this mode, it is mainly to carry out melee attacks, and this is the advantage of the road tyrant. The close range can continue to cause continuous damage to the opponent, and the skill chain hook can pull yourself to the front output and kill the opposite side. The difficulty of the road tyrant is still very large, and when the opposite skill is delivered, it will be able to kill directly

The mad mouse: As a defensive hero, not only is the defensive ability very strong, but his own damage is still very high. His skill traps have a controlling effect, and the big bombs will enter the designated area and explode, causing a lot of damage. In the single-player mode, only the grenade that will be more accurate to the opposite side will be used. This damage can not be ignored in the later stage, that is, the tank may not be able to withstand several attacks, even if it is crispy, it does not reflect. It can be spiked, and this is a range of skills, it is not good to avoid these injuries, the mad mouse must be very strong in the death mode

The Light of Order: Facing the Light of Order, the crispy skin is their nightmare, with high sustained damage. The whistle cannon has a superimposed deceleration effect on a certain range of enemies; the transfer panel can realize the conversion of two positions; the photon emitter will increase the damage with time. In the battle mode of the deathmatch, the whistle cannon is arranged in the range, try to attract the opposite to the range to fight, and then rely on its own photon transmitter to output at a close distance, and also flexibly use the transmission panel to move the position, consuming the opposite Skills, key moments and big moves photon barriers to resist attacks

黑影: It has good control skills and can be used in stealth battles. It has a good single-handling ability. Hacking will make the enemy unable to use any skill for a short time; optical camouflage can be hidden for a period, and the speed of movement will be greatly improved at this time; electromagnetic pulse will directly destroy the opposite barrier and shield, and will also invade the enemy. First aid kit. When you are single-handed, you first rely on stealth to approach the opponent, then use hacking to make him unable to attack, and then rely on his own automatic pistol to shoot, and relatively can also detect the opposite state, such skills are simply set for heads-up

Watching Pioneer’s single-player mode is a very meaningful game. Players rely on their own level of operation in this mode, although some heroes have their own advantages in this mode, but more often they are players. Technology, so even if you choose a strong hero, you still have to play steadily, otherwise it is easy to roll over. Even so, the player can still choose the five heroes who think they are the strongest in the death mode

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