This is an animated short film about anti-war theme. It tells the story of the two air forces entangled in the air due to accidents during the fierce battle between the two sides and accidentally fell to a small island in the sea. The two rivals later became The end of life and death. This is an animated short film released in September 2008 called “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon”

“Play, make a big watermelon” (English name SeeThrough), the cartoon is 16 minutes long. This short 16-minute short film author has been popular in the global network for three years and has been enthusiastically sought after by netizens. Even the webmaster of VeryCD gave “this is the most animated short film I have ever seen, no one, no one, Chinese made!” (The gods in my mind so far, recommend netizens to see.).

This short film not only created a new era in the Chinese animation industry at the time, but also brought a slow honor to the animation industry in China. The animated short film released in 2008 has won the championship even in the 2011 “China Culture and Art Government Award”, the first animation and best new media animation work award

I said that it is God’s work, maybe some anime powder will express dissatisfaction. What is it that gives me such a big temper to dare to boast of Haikou? Here is the honor that everyone will witness to this animation. ,

2009 September “Hit, make a big watermelon” Shortlisted at the 2nd Portuguese Animation Film Festival.

2009 September “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” Shortlisted The 6th Guangzhou Golden Dragon Award for Best Animated Short Film Nomination.

October 2009 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the Best Animation Short Film Gold Award of the 2nd Golden Dolphin Award in Xiamen.

November 2009 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the Excellence Award in the AUTODESK Program Awards School Creative Competition.

November 2009 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the Best Animated Short Film and Best Creative Nomination Award for the Golden Panda Award at the Sichuan TV Festival.

December 2009 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the Best Technology Application Award from the Beijing Film Academy Animation Academy Awards.

December 2009 “Play, make a big watermelon” won the Beijing Film Academy Animation Academy Award for Love Painting Film Award.

January 2009 “Play, make a big watermelon” won the Best Animation Short Film Award of the China (Nanhai) Animation Technology Forum Golden Award.

January 2010 “Play, make a big watermelon” won the “Outstanding Works Award” in the 4th China Original Mobile Animation Game Contest.

April 2010 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the CCGF (Professional Group) Best Animated Short Film Award.

April 2010 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the “Best Animated Short Film Award” nomination for the 2010 Potato Image Festival Golden Potato Unit.

April 2010 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the “Golden Potato Award” nomination for the 2010 Potato Image Festival Golden Potato Unit.

April 2010 “Hit, make a big watermelon” won the nomination for the “Golden Seeds” in the 2010 Potato Film Festival.

April 2010 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” Awarded the 2009 Ministry of Culture Original Animation Support Program Award: Ministry of Culture “Original Animation Support Program 2009” Original Network Animation Production Support; Ministry of Culture “Original Animation Support Program (2009)) “Original network animation creator (team support).

May 2010 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the “Network Popularity Award” and the “Jinpeng Award Jury President’s Wrap Award” in Shenzhen’s first Jinpeng Award China International New Media Short Film Competition.

July 2010 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the 6th China International Animation Game Expo and the 2010 Cartoon Story Best Animated Short Film Nomination Award.

August 2010 “Play, make a big watermelon” won the Best Animation Short Film Award of the 4th China (Yantai) International Animation Festival.

August 2010 “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the second place in the 12th Japan TBS DigiCon 6 China Animation Short Film

In August 2010, “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the “Top Ten Anime Works of 2010 World Animation” and the director Yang Yu won the “Top Ten Animation of the Year in 2010”.

August 2010 “Hello, Make a Big Watermelon” won the 7th China (Changzhou) International Animation Art Photo (CICDAF 2010) International Animation Competition “Golden Cartoon Award Animated Short Film Special Honor” Award.

September 2010 “Play, make a big watermelon” won the “2010 Southern Multimedia Short Film Festival Animation Short Film Silver Award”.

October 2010 “Play, make a big watermelon” won the Best Dubbing Award for “Excellent Animation Works Selection” at the 2010 China Western Animation Culture Festival.

March 2011 “Play, make a big watermelon” Shortlisted for the Best Animated Short Film Award at the 2011 Australia Golden Heart International Film Festival.

In November 2010, “Hit, Make a Big Watermelon” won the gold medal in the 12th Japan TBS DigiCon 6 Finals.

November 2010 “Play, make a big watermelon” won the special award of the jury of the 26th International Film Festival of Berlin International Film Festival.

December 2011 “Play, make a big watermelon” Shortlisted “Chinese Culture and Art Government Award” The first animation award for the best new media animation works.

November 2012 “Playing, making a big watermelon” Shortlisted in the 12th Sichuan Province Spiritual Civilization Construction “Five One Project” (2009-2012) selected works.

The 26th Berlin International Short Film Festival jury said in the award speech, “This is a very valuable film, it has a unique visual style, which uses modern pop culture and humor to bring the author to humans. The living environment, the views of peace and war are conveyed, the whole movie is very funny, and the theme of peace and war is just right.”

If I don’t personally watch the honorary awards behind me, I can’t believe that this 16-minute animated short film has won so many awards. I can imagine the group behind it. Force) is how hard it is

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