In“SlamDunk”,theprotagonistSakuragiFlowerRoad has a hobby that is to give people a nickname. He once called the captain Akagi Akane as a “gorilla”, but in fact the nickname “gorilla” is not Sakuragi. The flower path was first created. The first person named Chimu Gangxian “gorilla” is actually Mitsui. However, Sakuragi still gave the nickname to many players in the plot, let’s take a look

1. Rukawa Maple – stinky fox.

The relationship between Sakuragi Flower and Rukawa Maple can be said to be a big point in the “Slam Dunk Master”. The two are from the mutual dissatisfaction and finally become companions of mutual trust. The reason why Sakuragi Flower Road was very annoying to Rukawa Maple was because it was extremely extreme. The Rukawa Maple Ball played well and was handsome and popular among girls. The Sakuragi Flower Road gave Rukawa Maple a nickname for “Smelly Fox”. On the one hand, it means that Ruchuan Maple is very embarrassing, on the other hand, he wants to say that he will confuse girls

2. Muyu Gongyan – glasses brother, four-eyed brother.

木暮公延 is a good old man in the Xiangbei team, and has a good relationship with other players. When Sakuragi just joined the basketball team, Muxi was very caring for him, so Sakuragi was also respectful to him. Although he also took the nickname, “glasses brother” and “four-eyed brother” sounded better than The stinky fox is strong

3. Anxi coach – old man.

Anxi coach is the head coach of the Xiangbei team. He used to be the national team of the Japanese team and later became a college coach. His coaching style was very strict and he had a title of “white hair magic”. However, after the experience of the Guze incident, his temperament changed greatly. When he coached the Xiangbei team, he always looked very kind. The Sakuragi Flower Road always called him “the old man.”


彩子 is the basketball manager of the Xiangbei team, a unique girl. When Sakuragi just joined the Xiangbei team, Caizi supervised the basic practice of Sakuragi’s flower path under the guidance of Anxi coach. Every time Sakuragi was lazy, the color child would beat his head with a folding fan in his hand. Of course, Sakuragi also knows that Choi is good for him, so his nickname “big sister” for Choi still has a large respect

4. Flower shape through – two cakes.

The flower shape is the center of the Xiangyang team. It is a flexible center with a strong offensive ability. He also wears glasses with the same raft. Although it is also wearing glasses, but the flower shape is not as good as the raft, the nickname given to him by Sakuragi is called “two cakes”, because the flower-shaped glasses look like the two cakes in the mahjong

5. Fujio Kenji – the substitute.

藤真健司, as the ace of the Xiangyang team, also escaped the nickname of Sakuragi Flower Road. The nickname of Sakuragi Flower Road to Fujiwara is “the substitute”, which hurts people more than the flower-shaped nickname.However, everyone knows that Fujiwara is actually the trump card of Xiangyang. The reason why he came off the bench is that he is a light enemy, on the other hand, he has another identity – coach

6. Fish live pure – human king, monkey boss.

Fish Live is the main center of the Lingnan team and the opponent of the “Gorilla” Akagi. He and Chimu Gangxian are not only close in strength, but even look very similar, they all look like orangutans. The nickname “Human King” and “Monkey Boss” that Sakuragi gave him was also based on his appearance

7. Pastoral One – Middle-aged.

Speaking of the nickname of Sakuragi Flower Road based on the appearance, it is necessary to mention the “middle-aged person” of Makino. In the plot, the animal husbandry is the king’s trump card in Hainan, and it is the first basketball master in Kanagawa Prefecture, but he still can’t escape the fate of being taken by Sakuragi. Because the shepherd grows relatively early, the nickname given to him by Sakuragi is called “middle-aged.”

8. Qingtian Nobunaga – Wild Monkey.

清田信长, Hainan’s super newcomer, his character is very similar to Sakuragi’s flower path, and the two often cross each other, which is called a pair of live treasures. Sakuragi flower road called Qingtian “wild monkey”, and Qingtian called Sakuragi “red hair monkey”, can only say that this is the same root, why is it too urgent?

In addition to the above, Sakuragi has given many nicknames to many people, so I will not describe them one by one. Which nickname do you have the most impressive impression on Sakuragi? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below. If you like this article, don’t forget to like, collect, share and support me. Your support is my motivation