saying goodbye to the first three months of each year is a bunch of “. . FAKE NEWS “. . . . .

This morning’s editorial department is different from the past, there is a different kind of tension, in addition to the keyboard’s knocking, one after another. “ This news is true. “ And the answer to the office Transformed. “Mythbusters”. On site

April 1st, in addition to the birth of “Iron Blood Prime Minister” Bismarck, is also a headache for players – April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day is the same as Christmas for Christmas. Unlike the Christmas that commemorates Jesus’ birthday, the origins of April Fool’s Day are diverse. The most widely circulated saying is that this festival originated in France

In 1564, France first adopted the new reform of the Gregorian calendar, the Gregorian calendar (the universal solar calendar), with the beginning of January 1st as the beginning of the year, changing the calendar that began in the past with April 1 as the beginning of the new year.During the implementation of the new calendar, some conservative people opposed the reform and still followed the old calendar and refused to update. Those who follow the old calendar still give gifts to each other on April 1 and organize activities to celebrate the New Year

The advocates of reform have ridiculed the practice of these old-fashers, and even more have chosen to give fake gifts to the die-hards on April 1st, invite them to participate in fake celebrations, and call these fooled people For “April fool” or “fish on the hook.” In the future, people will fool each other on this day, and it will become a popular custom in France

This custom was circulated to the UK in the eighteenth century. Later, with the discovery of geography, the early British immigrants brought this custom to the United States and finally spread it

In modern times, many media will deliberately distribute some wrong news on April 1 to entertain the public, and even many serious media will enjoy it. The most famous “April Fool’s Day News” in history may be counted in 1957, the British BBC. Reported. Pasta Tree “.

Reporting. Was broadcast on the “Panorama” program on April 1, 1957, by the famous broadcaster Richard Tingbeby to increase its credibility Reporting. Claimed that a family in the southern Swiss state of Ticino planted many trees that could grow pasta directly after the warm winter and the disappearance of the “spaghetti weevil”

When a deceived audience calls, ask how to grow a spaghetti tree at home. The BBC responded quite humorously to them, saying: Put the pasta in a ketchup jar, and then the heart is full of hope.

In the Internet age, this kind of prank is not uncommon Kremvax event. Probably the first famous April Fool’s Day news on the Internet

On April Fool’s Day in 1984, a news group in the Internet appeared in a news article allegedly issued by the Soviet leader Chernenko, saying that a server for the new Internet newsgroup in the Kremlin has begun to operate. I don’t know what kind of undercurrents caused by such “fake news” during the Cold War

Klimm Palace.

Google Maps also often makes a “joke” with everyone on this day

On April 1st, 2014, players can use Google Maps on the mobile device side of the day. Looking for the fairy treasure dream. Game

Last year was a small game called “ Looking for Willie. “, players to find Willy in the dazzling picture. ( Willie is a character in the children’s book “Where’s Wally?” by British illustrator Martin Handford, always wearing red and white striped clothes and wearing a pompom hat and a pair of glasses. With a cane in hand, the reader needs to find Willie in a picture with hundreds of things. ).

This year Google Maps brings classic games. “Scattered Snake”

So it’s a good opportunity for “ 皮一下“, and every game maker will not miss it

On April Fool’s Day, Blizzard announced that it has not been publicly tested. “World of Warcraft”By a very peculiar profession -. Two-headed Ogre. , because it has 2 headers, this character will be operated by 2 players. The original news at the time was “ When a head was upgraded, his hp was added to the total hp of the ogre. ”, “ The interface below your avatar is your companion, After he went offline, his head went to sleep. His professional skills became gray. ”, “ Double head means twice the happiness.

On April 1st, 12th, Markus “Notch” Persson, founder of Mojang Studio, “My World” developer, announced the creation of a sandbox space theme inspired by the space science fiction “Firefly”. The game, the game did not announce any promotional film, the official website announced by the game is enough to brighten the dog’s eyes

It’s worth mentioning that the site is still accessible, and the water friend who wants to find out is recommended to have sunglasses.

There are also manufacturers on this day “ play off.

14 years of April Fool’s Day, the official Twitter of the Frost Engine is constantly on the Wii U “ yin and yang. “, caused a lot of dissatisfaction

Good news, we finally managed to correct and optimize our network code, using quantum entanglement to achieve 0 delays. This technology Wii U exclusive.

Cold Cream will be used to make Half-Life 3, which will be released in the summer of 2014! Wii U exclusive.

Since WiiU is the strongest platform in the fourth generation of consoles, Frost has been able to run on it, we will optimize Mario and Zelda.

This sense of humour is not only unacceptable to EA itself – these tweets have been removed, and even EA’s chief operating officer Peter Moore apologized to Nintendo North America and fans on his personal account, saying These tweets are unacceptable and stupid

This year’s April Fool’s Day news is going to be much more harmonious. Many manufacturers’ news even seems to have some “ Sand Sculpture.

Kabi: I am a bit square.

1:1 PS Series Keychain.

雅雅随和” NVIDIA Black Technology Game Assistant R.O.N.

Elegant and easy-going NVIDIA Black Technology Game Assistant R.O.N.

“Artisan spirit” is full of PS4 production process.

“New Nero” that “turns over to be the master”.

PS: “Devil May Cry 5” “Blood Palace” DLC listing is not a fake news! ! !

“Platinum” in the “guardian peace” and “financial income”.

“Platinum” in the “guardian peace” and “financial income”.

PS: Platinum studio fans should know that this is the current president of the studio in the Platinum Studio, Sato Kenichi

On the day of April Fool’s Day, game developers who have been chased by Deadline and Bug all the time, can finally breathe a sigh of relief and become a “segment”

In addition to Microsoft, because their marketing director said. : “The data tells us that the positive impact of these gimmicks on April Fool’s Day is very limited, and it will lead to negative news divergence – clarification – time-consuming and laborious cycle.”

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