The cartoonist Yangsuke, who is mainly published in online media for a short period, is often suspected of being “plagiarized”. Some people even said that his comics are very similar to another short story that he read earlier. What was “copied” was another work by Yangsuke himself

And not long ago, someone specially registered an account, pointing out that a short story of the foreign language dog is exactly the same as the short story he read in elementary school. However, this person has an excuse for a long time and can’t tell the author and title of the short story that was “plagiarized”


When someone suspects that the plagiarism may be the work of Xing Xinyi, the foreign language dog launches the reader and investigates the Xinxinyi portfolio. There is no similar story. However, some people jumped out and said that they could not see all the works of Xingxinyi, so they could not say “no”, but they could only say that they were “not found.” Maybe there is still a similar story. Although he was too lazy to check it himself


For the creator, it is a nightmare to encounter such a fine

Science fiction writer Yu Ye ridiculed that some people only see a super short story, no matter what, they will say “like the new star.” It is estimated that these people will also say “like the new star” when they read the well

柞刈 I am also a victim of these “Xing Xin Yi” syndrome patients. Before, he sent a stalk, and Twitter followers said, “I feel like I have read it in Star New.” A look at the work that this person said is originally a short story of his previous submission. These readers seem to be automatically replacing “Xing Xinyi’s works” with “Xing Xinyi’s works” in their minds


Dear fans, these stories are very similar to the works of Xing Xinyi

The creators who have encountered this kind of “I copy my own” are not one or two

Illustrator Sh!βα recalled that he had a painting on the Internet a long time ago, and some people said, “You are copying the style of ○○ games! The sky and the trees are too similar, you can’t find Excuse!”.

The background of the game is Sh!βα


Illustrator, cartoonistあおいまなぶAlso said that someone once told him on mixi: “Your avatar is exactly the same as a yellow swimmer, I Go to the official to see if you have permission, you are waiting to die.” However, あおいis the game’s design and original painting

Also, he did not receive the consultation


Why is there anyone who has a “plagiarism” hat for you? ContributorsモトタキThe problem is that Japanese people have a misunderstanding of “originality.” The “similar works” and “lack of originality” will be equated because they do not have the basis for evaluating the work at all

モトタキi hope more people understand that it is just “similar” and there are no problems. Even if you write the same subject with others, as long as you have your own writer’s character, it will become a different work

And it is because of the ability to feel the existence of this different person, YouTube and vibrato will be popular. Even if the things done are the same, the people who do the work are different, and the methods of realizing it will change

Obviously doing the same thing, but it will happen differently and produce uniqueness. This is called originality

Parody is not a copy of tweets. However, directly copying the original text has become a plagiarism tweet. When you see people who cannot distinguish between the two,モトタキwill also feel a violation

 モトタキi have studied planning at a specialized school. At that time, the lecturer said: If the title “develop a ramen that has not been seen before”, someone will hand over something that is not ramen. Of course, this kind of work is the least good.モトタキI think this is a good example of misunderstanding of originality


And the cartoonist Natsume Yide believes that the only reason for the current plagiarism allegations is that these people want to make a living for themselves, so in order to seek a psychological balance, they make an excuse to say that they have done it. The creators of things that they can’t do are not better than themselves, but they are smuggling and smuggling

Natsume believes that even if you see other people’s styles similarly, you will only feel that “he likes ○○, after all, ○○ is so good”, basically does not deny the creators to absorb the works they like, Or be affected by it. In the case of the actual existence, this kind of special purpose to say to the person “is obviously a picture of the game of ○○○”, as long as you think about the significance of what they do, the meaning of these people’s drunkenness is very obvious

Of course, in reality, there are also creators who are not ashamed of plagiarizing other people’s works, but they must first make unshakable evidence to make the accusation. I feel that I don’t need any basis. Just shouting a scorpion, “This is plagiarism,” there is an impunity to throw a stone at this person. This is the sin to be added, I am afraid there is ulterior motive


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