Dear readers, do you know what day is today?

Correct! Today is the day of the second part of the main storyline of the mobile role-playing game “Another Eden Beyond Time and Space”. I can’t wait to get off work

But I don’t know why, today’s Twitter is full of pictures of girls wearing red caps and red dresses. Is it true that the painters have found that the birth year is about to pass, so take the time to map?

After all, at this time of the year, everyone’s body and mind will be particularly nervous

Composer Mizuno Sumi said: At the end of the year, I thought, “There is only one week left this year. It’s really a blink of an eye,” and I thought, “The rest of the week can’t see the head. “It’s so heavy, it’s not going to happen.”


CartoonistやしろあずきBusy sneak peek, screaming to secretly go to the annual meeting, not to the venue to see, came to their own three editors. Experienced a hellish experience ofやしろDeep feeling, this industry is terrible


The cartoonist Inari Ichiro is busy with the weekly serials and has no time to take care of the family. Last night, I finally can make up for my regret and stay with my children

He said to the child: “When “Dr.STONE” is over, I will be able to accompany you out to play.”

But his eldest son listened, but said, “Oh, but I don’t want to end.”

稻垣 asks: “Why?”

The eldest son replied: “Because I still want to read the back.”

Inamaki listened, I am very grateful: Dad is a young cartoonist. It is so good


Animated performer Takamatsu Shinji wanted to talk about the “Christmas Plan” in his own animation “The Brave”, but he drank alcohol, afraid to say what should not be said, so he gave up

But there is one point that can be revealed. At the time, the “Brave” series had an unwritten consensus that “you can do whatever you want after Christmas.” Because the year-end and the beginning of the year is the last commercial war in an animated broadcast period, how many toys can be sold during this time, and then the animation will be finished by the end of January, so in the following period, sponsorship The business will let the animation team freely play their fists. The “Christmas Plan” is the reflection of this extra-game consensus in the play

Speaking of the Christmas business war, at the time, the sponsor TAKARA asked to arrange a story for all the toys to appear before the Christmas business battle; so Takamatsu had to force a full-body fit in the mirror that had already been handed over. “Super Dragon Fire Train”. When he painted Hamada’s “light bulbs in series, it would be brighter” to explain the principle of fit, he felt really crazy

In addition, the naming style of “Christmas Plan” is inspired by the “October Plan” in the original comic book of “Kamen Rider”. (The “plan” of the “Christmas Plan” in the original text is “Operation”, and the “Plan” of the “October Plan” is “Project”, not directly applied).


The light novel writer Paper City said that in the aspect of “sharing experience”, the medium of novels has a very big disadvantage. Because different readers read at a different speed, there is a delay in the time others receive the reader’s impressions

Suppose that 100 people in a book will express their feelings on Weibo. These 100 thoughts are sent out one after another in a week, or they are sent out in one hour. The feeling that the book is popular is completely different. This should be understood by intuition. In a novel, someone can finish reading in an hour, and someone can finish it in a week, so the wind review will inevitably spread

The same number of styles, the more concentrated the release, the higher the power. However, the novel is limited by nature, and the wind review tends to be more scattered. So even if it is a popular work like “Sword Art Online”, it will not be on the hot list on the day of the new issue

If so, how can we get the wind assessment together? Paper City now only has one solution, which is to divide the units that publish the work into smaller pieces. That is to say, the serial form of online novels

The shorter the unit of each release of the work, the more concentrated the reader’s pace will be, and the same speed can be used to track the story update, so it will inevitably promote the shared story experience. The fact is that there are also works that have gained the effect of being able to board the Twitter hot list in this way, and that is the Ninja Killer

Paper City itself was awarded the Shunyi Society’s light novel newcomer award. However, at the end of 2016, he speculated according to his own theory that the front line of light novels will be transferred from the “solid version of online novels” to “network novels”. Itself”. So he chose to switch to online novels

However, the speculation of Paper City has not yet become a reality, perhaps because online novels still face the huge obstacle of profitability. He believes that if the system of “becoming a novelist” and “writing and reading” is the one that starts to install YouTube and pays the authors by clicks, it will revolutionize


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